07 September, 2008

Try again

Today is a repeat of this time three weeks ago. Ned to the kennels this afternoon and pick my aunt up and bring her back to my home. Hopefully this time, my aunt and I will leave tomorrow for our delayed holiday to visit my sister.

It's raining today, which is going to be a nuisance trying to pack our luggage (and half my house) into the car. I always take too much, just in case:-) This comes from having a caravan and being able to take loads of stuff that doesn't matter whether it is not used.

I guess there will be no more posting to my blog until I return, in about two weeks.

03 September, 2008

In Between Socks

I've completed the first "In Between" sock. The first photo has the view as others would see it and the second view is how I see it looking down on it.
Ned has managed to get into the photo as well.

01 September, 2008

Blanket, socks and holiday.

I've recovered from my bout of viral meningitis. Feeling fine now. Plan to start the delayed holiday next Monday.

Managed to get quite a bit of the blanket-with-sleeves project done. Almost finished the main part and I've started one of the sleeves. It's getting on to weighing 2 kg.

I've also started another pair of socks. I'm calling them the "In between" socks because I am knitting them when the blanket's weight makes my thumbs ache. I've just started the second sock.

The start of sock 1.

The lace pattern is taken from the second pattern on page 72 of the Japanese book "Knitting Patterns Book 250". I think I will do this pattern again, but alter the last 12 rows so the whole pattern will look like a goblet, with a more defined stem. I plan to called the socks "Stacked Goblets".

I did a rough count of the socks I've knitted and these are, I think, pair no. 22. Seven pairs have been given away as presents. I started sock knitting 18 months ago, so I think I going quite well considering I have knitted other things as well in that time - and not small items.