Left about 9:30 am to visit my sister. It's her birthday tomorrow, but her husband is taking her out for a special lunch, so I went today. It's about 110kms from my place.
I picked up our aunt on the way down. She will be 94 in August - she certainly doesn't look that age.
We arrived about 11:45 am after stopping to buy something yeasty to have after lunch. After we arrived, we were informed that we were all going to a hotel for lunch. So off we went. The other three had fish which looked quite nice, but I had chicken schnitzel which was overcooked. Vegies were good, though.
After lunch, we drove to the river Murray mouth. Dredging has been going on there for about two years to keep the river mouth open. The river Murray needs another flood desperately, but it won't be this year. We could see and hear the breakers of the ocean against the mouth.
We also had a look at the place in Goolwa my sister live in 20 odd ye

ars ago. The area has certainly change. So much building going on.
I gave my sister a pair of long socks. She seemed pleased. She gave me several bags of books and magazines. They should keep me going for several years, as I don't read as much as I used to. I do a lot of knitting instead. I've never managed to do both at once.