07 September, 2008
Try again
It's raining today, which is going to be a nuisance trying to pack our luggage (and half my house) into the car. I always take too much, just in case:-) This comes from having a caravan and being able to take loads of stuff that doesn't matter whether it is not used.
I guess there will be no more posting to my blog until I return, in about two weeks.
03 September, 2008
In Between Socks
01 September, 2008
Blanket, socks and holiday.
Managed to get quite a bit of the blanket-with-sleeves project done. Almost finished the main part and I've started one of the sleeves. It's getting on to weighing 2 kg.
I've also started another pair of socks. I'm calling them the "In between" socks because I am knitting them when the blanket's weight makes my thumbs ache. I've just started the second sock.
The start of sock 1.
The lace pattern is taken from the second pattern on page 72 of the Japanese book "Knitting Patterns Book 250". I think I will do this pattern again, but alter the last 12 rows so the whole pattern will look like a goblet, with a more defined stem. I plan to called the socks "Stacked Goblets".
I did a rough count of the socks I've knitted and these are, I think, pair no. 22. Seven pairs have been given away as presents. I started sock knitting 18 months ago, so I think I going quite well considering I have knitted other things as well in that time - and not small items.
19 August, 2008
No holiday
Felt a bit worse by 7:30 am. Younger son came from work and took me to doc. I have a mild case of viral meningitis! Would you believe it? It's mainly a childhood complaint - just confirms I'm in my second childhood:-) Still, it could have been worse if I had taken ill today - 400 kms from home with a 94 year old aunt with me! I do hope she doesn't get it as I took her back to my place on Sunday afternoon and she stayed overnight so we could get a good start in the morning -haha. Her son came and took her back home. Of course, even worse, it could have been baterial meningitis and I would had to go straight to hospital and on to anti-biotics immediately. Boy, am I glad I didn't have that.
The sister I was supposed to be visiting arranged with my brother (who just arrived back yesterday from a 4 month UK trip) to give me an electric blanket and he brought it over this afternoon. Didn't come inside incase the v.m. is still catchy. I have thought occasionally about getting an elec. blanket, but I usually warm up after a bit when I go to bed, especially if I wear my handknitted woolly socks. So I've been spoilt. I've just put it on my bed. Will see how it goes tonight.
15 August, 2008
I leave to visit my sister next week. It's a long drive and I am taking my aunt with me for company. Also she hasn't seen sis's house for about 8 years and a lot has been done around the place since then.
Ned goes to the kennels on Sunday afternoon and then I pick up my aunt. She will stay here until we leave.
I finally (sort of) got the hang of the sat. nav. device. I printed off some of the manual. This time it paid to follows directions and not try to work it out for myself.
05 August, 2008
Waiting, blanket
I lost a poor little goldfish yesterday. Only a young one. Maybe just too cold for it or maybe there are just too many in the pond and it was "natural selection" time for it. The pond seems to hold about a dozen fish comfortably. If I put any more than that in, the fish seem to die until I have about 12 again.
Nothing exciting has happened since the last entry. As usual. Weather cold and a bit damp. Suppose to be worse tomorrow. I'll have to see if I can get in a walk for the dog today.
Granddaughter's blanket with sleeve is slowly growing. Two and a half patterns done. A half a pattern to go and I can start the openings for the sleeves. There is a total of four patterns with moss stitch borders.
29 July, 2008
Nav. sat. device
Just have to wait and see.
28 July, 2008
Sat. nav. again
Still got to sort out the "over the 30 days for map update" message I received. Probably have to get in touch with their support team.
26 July, 2008
More about the sat. nav./GPS device
"Hello," I thought. "Must need recharging."
Connected it to the car cigarette lighter and left it for 3/4 of an hour. Little green light showed that it was connected. Still couldn't get it to turn on. Screen still blank. It's as if all the info has been wiped and the computer can't find it. My phone, through bluetooth, can't connect either.
?(%&#!)>! Now what's wrong with it?!! It's going to be returned on Monday - definitely.
Then I check the bit and pieces that came with it and, with my usual luck, the cable to enable it to be charge from the power point is missing. I don't use the car enough to keep the thing fully charged and I'm not sure if I left it attached to the cigarette lighter in the car whether I would end up with a flat battery.
It is telling me also that I'm passed the 30 days that I can get a free up-to-date map. What! I only bought it yesterday.
I am also unable to access the menu so I can "buy" an updated map. Boy. I am one unhappy chappy. Now I know why it was $58 dollar cheaper that the original price!!
Today I called back into the shop where I bought the wretched thing from and they are going to order the power cable for me on Monday. It has to come from Sydney (to Adelaide). I have a fortnight to return the device if I find I don't want it. At the moment, there's a good chance of that.
23 July, 2008
Saffron cables blanket
I bought the wool for it at a deceased estate sale and the whole blanket will cost not much over $20.
Nothing was done over summer, too hot, or autumn, too busy with other projects. At the rate I'm knitting it at the moment, it will take at least another couple of months.
21 July, 2008
I've planted some white onions seedlings and some red and brown onion seeds. I hope I have better luck that I had with the last lot. A multitude came up and the birds demolished them all. I'd planted them too close to pine log edgings and the birds dug them up while trying to get to whatever they were after under the logs.
The assorted lettuces are going well - covered with bird netting. That keeps the little blighters off! Some beetroot up and I've planted more seed. Coloured silver beet seems to be going OK. The birds haven't attacked that as yet.
The potato plants are looking good, but I have to keep checking the dirt over the base of the plants as the birds - yes, them again - dig the dirt away and expose the potatoes. Consequently, if they are not recovered with dirt, they go green. I've put some scraps of shade cloth around some and straw around others. The little b.... will probably still removed the straw.
Planted a grapevine and prune the existing one. I have to attack the peach tree next.
Meanwhile, I have actually knitted half of granddaughter's blanket. Yeh!
16 July, 2008
While we were there, we heard that another couple, who usually come to the lunches but had gone to Queensland for a couple of months, had the axle of their caravan break on them. About $500 to have it fix. It's bad enough to have to pay exorbitant petrol prices, so caravan repairs are something caravanners don't need.
13 July, 2008
Sunny Sunday

I have been knitting about 4 rows a day on Alison's blanket. At that rate, I should be finished in about three months. The middle joint in my right thumb doesn't like the heavy wool and thick needles so four rows a day is enough. Only a couple of rows today though as I went out for dinner tonight.
I am also knitting myself a cardigan to go with socks I knitted previously. It's being knitted with Regia 4 ply sock yarn. I called the socks Joseph socks.
07 July, 2008
Socks and dog.
03 July, 2008
Birthday excursion, Murray river mouth,
I picked up our aunt on the way down. She will be 94 in August - she certainly doesn't look that age.
We arrived about 11:45 am after stopping to buy something yeasty to have after lunch. After we arrived, we were informed that we were all going to a hotel for lunch. So off we went. The other three had fish which looked quite nice, but I had chicken schnitzel which was overcooked. Vegies were good, though.
After lunch, we drove to the river Murray mouth. Dredging has been going on there for about two years to keep the river mouth open. The river Murray needs another flood desperately, but it won't be this year. We could see and hear the breakers of the ocean against the mouth.
We also had a look at the place in Goolwa my sister live in 20 odd ye
I gave my sister a pair of long socks. She seemed pleased. She gave me several bags of books and magazines. They should keep me going for several years, as I don't read as much as I used to. I do a lot of knitting instead. I've never managed to do both at once.
02 July, 2008
Left Over Socks
The weather fined up a bit this afternoon so I took Ned for a walk. I don't do it as often as I used to as my feet (toes actually) have arthritis in them and, because I tend to favour them when I walk, it plays havoc with my right knee at times. So walks are now down to about twice a week instead of every second day.
30 June, 2008
Socks and things

28 June, 2008
Front garden
I've reduced some of the lawn area and removed bushes that died because of water restrictions over last summer. New plantings included some native grasses and other drought resistant bushes. For borders in the garden where it meets the lawn, I have planted medium height mondo grass. There are pavers laid as stepping stones that go from the lawn to the gas meter box, so whoever does the meter reading doesn't have to tread on the new garden. Between the pavers, I've planted short mondo grass.
Yesterday, I removed some more dead bushes and severely trimmed back three others. They haven't been done for years. Even found a newspaper dated January 2008 that had been thrown in the bushes instead of up the driveway. I still have several bushes to go, but they will have to wait until August, as next month is rose pruning month.
In our area we have a fortnightly service that takes green waste placed in a big wheely bin - prunings, weeds, grass clippings, etc. Anything that will compost. This means it will take me quite awhile to gradually get rid of all the prunings.
This week, I have also planted beetroot, lettuce and silver beet seeds. I hope I have some luck. I seem to have green fingers for gardening, except for raising plants from seed sown straight into a garden bed. I think I may have a bird and/or snail problem. Netting will fix the birds, but I can't put snail bait down because of darling dog, Ned.
Meanwhile, I have nearly finished the pair of socks from the yarn I won in a draw on the Ivy Shawl KAL Yahoo site.
25 June, 2008
Adding to blog
Today I finished the first sock of the JT2 pair I'm knitting with Opal Petticoat Cotton I won as part of a prize in a draw. I love the colours. JT - in honour of Jeanie Townsend, the amazing socks and shawl knitter and designer. In the photograph, I have just passed the heel.